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You can just fill the form, but if you sign up (or login) firstly, then you will get all features of our website!

1. Position
2. Personal information
3. Education

Fill in these fields in the following format:

  • University name
  • Faculty
  • Specialisation
  • Graduation year (or expected graduation year if you are still studying)
4. Work experience

Fill in these fields in the following format:

  • Company name
  • Job title
  • Responsibilities and achievements
  • Start of work - end

If you have no work experience, then write "No experience"

5. Language

What languages do you know?

Write the language and level of language proficiency (for example, English - Intermediate). One text field per language. If you know more than one foreign language, then write one in this text field below, the other in the text field below. Don't forget to indicate your native language.

6. Key skills

Write with commas your key skills/abilities

7. Free block

Here you can tell about yourself, what makes you stand out from other candidates

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