Privacy policy

  1. General provisions

1.1. This Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) in the field of processing and ensuring the security of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) is an official document of the project “Work in Serbia” under the leadership of Alina Konkina PR Paprika SMM (TIN 66487946, address: 11010, Serbia, Belgrade, Gostivarskaya str., 84) (hereinafter referred to as the Administration), and determine the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals (hereinafter referred to as Users) using the sites , ( hereinafter referred to as the Website) “Work in Serbia” (hereinafter referred to as the Service).

1.2. The purpose of these Rules is to ensure adequate protection of information about Users, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.

1.3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information about Users are governed by these Rules, the User Agreement, the Service Agreement, the Terms of Service, the Terms of Use of the Sites, the License Agreement and the current legislation of the Republic of Serbia.

1.4. The Administration has the right to make changes and/or additions to these Rules unilaterally without any special notification to Users. The User undertakes to regularly check the terms of these Rules for changes and/or additions. Continued use of the Service by the User after changes and/or additions to these Rules means acceptance by the User and his consent to such changes and/or additions.

1.5. These Rules have been developed and used in accordance with the User Agreement, Service Agreement, Terms of Service, Terms of Use of Sites, License Agreement.

1.6. When using the Service and its functionality, the User agrees with the terms of these Rules. If the User does not agree with the terms of these Rules, the use of the Service and its functionality must be immediately terminated by deleting all data from his Personal Account, as well as all his Advertisements.


2. Terms of use of the Service

2.1. By providing Users with the opportunity to use the Service, the Administration, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that the User:

  • has all the necessary rights allowing him to register and log in to the Service and use it;
  • indicates reliable information about yourself to the extent necessary to use the Service;
  • understands that information in the Service posted by the User about himself, in particular his last name, first name, location at a certain point in time, is or may be available to other Users of the Service and Internet users, can be copied and distributed by such Users;
  • understands that some types of information transferred by him to other Users cannot be deleted by the User himself;
  • is familiar with these Rules, expresses his agreement with them and assumes the rights and obligations specified therein.

2.2. The Administration does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about Users, except in cases where such verification is necessary in order to comply with the provisions of the current applicable legislation and/or obligations to the User.


3. Purposes of information processing

The Administration processes information about Users, including their personal data, for the purpose of

  • fulfillment of the Administration’s obligations to Users regarding the use of the Service;
  • improving and improving the Service and its functionality, as well as developing new functionality and tools for the Service;
  • informing the User about the development of the Service and its functionality, advertising his own activities.


4. Composition of information about Users

4.1. Personal data of Users:

4.1.1 Data provided by Users and the minimum required for registration in the Service: first name, last name, mobile phone number;

4.1.2 Data provided by Users and the minimum required for posting an Advertisement on the Service: name, mobile phone number, job description, etc.;

4.1.3 Data that becomes available to the Administration when the User logs into the Service through other Internet resources (for example, email address);

4.1.4 Data additionally provided by Users upon requests from the Administration sent to Users in the event of a corresponding need, for example, for the purpose of preventing violations of the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.

The Administration has the right, in particular, to request from the User a copy of an identity document or other document containing the name, surname, photograph of the User, as well as other additional information, which, at the discretion of the Administration, will be necessary and sufficient to identify such User and will allow exclude abuse and violation of the rights of third parties.

4.2. Other information about Users processed by the Administration:

4.2.1 Standard technical and other data automatically received by the Administration when the User accesses the Service and the User’s subsequent actions in the Service (location at a certain point in time, IP address, type of operating system of the User’s device, sections of the Service visited by the User, etc.), in including, but not limited to:

  • user ID assigned by the Site;
  • pages visited;
  • number of page visits;
  • information about navigation through the pages of the site;
  • duration of the user session;
  • entry points (third-party sites from which the user follows a link to the Site);
  • exit points (links on the Site through which the user goes to third-party sites);
  • location at a certain point in time (user’s country, user’s region, etc.);
  • time zone set on the user’s device;
  • user provider;
  • user browser;
  • browser digital fingerprint (canvas fingerprint);
  • available browser fonts; 
  • installed browser plugins;
  • WebGL browser settings;
  • type of available media devices in the browser; presence of ActiveX;
  • list of supported languages ​​on the user’s device;
  • processor architecture of the user’s device;
  • User OS;
  • screen parameters (resolution, color depth, page placement parameters on the screen);
  • information about the use of automation tools when accessing the Site
  • information additionally posted by Users on the Service, including photographs, comments, and other information about themselves;
  • information obtained as a result of the User’s actions in the Service;
  • information obtained as a result of the actions of other Users in the Service.

4.3. For registered users of the Site, information about the use of ports on users’ devices may be collected in order to identify suspicious activity and protect users’ personal accounts. Data can be obtained using various methods, for example, cookies and file web beacons, etc.

The administration may use third-party Internet services (third-party technologies) to organize the collection of statistical personal data; third-party Internet services ensure that the received data is stored on their own servers. The administration is not responsible for the localization of servers of third-party Internet services. At the same time, such third-party Internet services (third-party technologies) installed on the Site and used by the Administration can install and read browser cookies of end users of the Site, or use web beacons to collect information in the process of advertising activities on the Site. The procedure for collecting and using data collected by such third-party Internet services (third-party technologies) is determined independently by these third-party Internet services and they are directly responsible for compliance with this order and the use of the data they collect, including these third-party Internet services are responsible and liable ensure compliance with the requirements of applicable legislation, including the legislation on personal data of the RS.

The administration does not compare information provided by the user independently and allowing identification of the subject of personal data with statistical personal data obtained through the use of such passive methods of collecting information.


5. Processing information about Users

5.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

a) the legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data; b) integrity; c) compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the goals predetermined and stated when collecting personal data, as well as with the powers of the Administration; d) compliance of the volume and nature of the personal data processed, methods of processing personal data for the purposes of processing personal data; e) the inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data created for incompatible purposes.

5.2. Conditions and purposes of processing personal data. The Administration processes the User’s personal data and is limited to achieving specific, predetermined and legal goals, including in accordance with the Rules, User Agreement, Service Agreement, Terms of Service, Terms of Use of Sites, License Agreement. 

5.3. The collection of the User’s personal data is carried out in the Service during registration and/or authorization, as well as when the User uses the Service and/or the User, on his own initiative, enters additional information about himself using the Service’s tools.

The personal data provided for in clause 4.1.1 of these Rules is provided by the User and is the minimum required when registering in the Service. Personal data provided for in clause 4.1.3 of these Rules is provided by Users in exceptional cases upon receipt of a corresponding request from the Administration. Any other information about the User, including that provided for in clause 4.2. of these Rules, is additionally provided by the User on his own initiative.

5.4. Users’ personal data is stored exclusively on electronic media and processed using automated systems, except in cases where non-automated processing of personal data is necessary in connection with compliance with legal requirements.

5.5. Personal data of Users is not transferred to any third parties, except in cases expressly provided for by these Rules, the User Agreement, the Service Agreement, the Terms of Service, the Terms of Use of the Sites, the License Agreement or the current applicable legislation.

The Administration may transfer information about Users (including cross-border transfer to the territory of foreign states that provide adequate protection of the rights of personal data subjects), including their personal data, to third parties who are Users (for the purpose of ensuring the possibility of using the Service to the extent provided for directly its functionality and architecture, and fulfillment of the Administration’s obligations) and the Administration’s counterparties. Providing this information to the Administration’s counterparties is possible provided that the transfer of this information is necessary to ensure the functioning of the Service and provide the User with access to its use, and also provided that such counterparties have accepted obligations to ensure the confidentiality of the information received.

5.6. The User’s personal data is deleted from the Service when the Administration deletes the information posted by the User, as well as the User’s Personal Account at the User’s request or on its own initiative in cases provided for by these Rules, the User Agreement, the Service Agreement, the Terms of Service, the Terms of Use of the Sites, the License agreement. After deleting the User’s personal data from the Service, the Administration stores it on its electronic media for the period established by the legislation of the Republic of Serbia. After this period, personal data is destroyed by the Administration. 

5.7. The User may request the deletion of his Personal Data using the means of communication built into the Site with the Administration, or by sending a request for deletion in free form by email to, in which the sender’s address corresponds to the address specified when registering on the Site or specified when filling out the form. The administration undertakes to notify the user about the status of the deletion operation within 48 hours from the date of receipt of the request.


6. Rights and obligations of Users

6.1. Users have the right:

6.1.1. access information posted by them about themselves;

6.1.2. through project support, make changes and corrections to information about yourself, provided that such changes and corrections contain current and reliable information;

6.1.3. based on a request, receive from the Administration information regarding the processing of personal data.

6.2. The User understands that the Service interface implies that some information about the User will be available to other Users of the Service and Internet users.

6.3. The Administration is not responsible for the disclosure of the User’s personal data by other Users of the Service and Internet users who have access to such data, as well as for false information provided by the User.

The Administration recommends that Users take a responsible approach to resolving the issue of the amount of information about themselves posted in the Service.

6.4. The User understands that when personal data (other user information) is deleted from the User’s Personal Account or the User’s Personal Account is deleted from the Service, information about the User copied by other Users may be retained.


7. Measures to protect information about Users

7.1. The Administration, in order to maintain business reputation and ensure compliance with the requirements of federal legislation, the Administration considers the most important tasks to be ensuring the legitimacy of the processing of personal data in the Company’s business processes and ensuring an adequate level of security for the personal data processed by the Administration.

The administration requires other persons who have access to personal data not to disclose to third parties or distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

In order to ensure the security of personal data during their processing, the Administration takes necessary and sufficient legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to it, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution of personal data, as well as from other unlawful actions against them.

The Administration strives to ensure that all measures it implements for the organizational and technical protection of personal data are carried out legally, including in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the processing of personal data. In order to ensure adequate protection of personal data, the Administration assesses the harm that may be caused to personal data subjects in the event of a violation of the security of their personal data, and also identifies current threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems.

In accordance with identified current threats, the Administration applies necessary and sufficient legal, organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data, including the use of information security tools, detection of facts of unauthorized access to personal data and taking measures, restoration of personal data, restriction of access to personal data. data, registration and recording of actions with personal data, as well as monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data.

The administration recognizes the importance and need to ensure the security of personal data and encourages continuous improvement of the system for protecting personal data processed as part of its core business.

The administration has appointed persons responsible for organizing the processing and ensuring the security of personal data.

Each new employee of the Administration who directly processes personal data is familiarized with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia on the processing and security of personal data, these Rules and other local acts of the Administration on the processing and security of personal data and undertakes to comply with them.

7.2. For authorization in the Service, the User’s login (mobile phone number and/or email) and a code/password sent by the Administration to the phone number specified by the User or in the manner provided for in the User Agreement, Service Agreement, Terms of Service, Terms of Use of the Sites, License agreement. The User is responsible for the safety of this information. The User does not have the right to transfer his own login and code/password sent to him by the Administration to third parties, and is also obliged to take measures to ensure their confidentiality. The User also has the right to log in to the Service through his account created within other Internet resources, authorization through which is available within the Service.


8. User requests

8.1. Users have the right to send their requests to the Administration, including requests regarding the use of their personal data provided for in clause 6.1.3 of these Rules, by mail

8.2. The request sent by the User must contain the following information:

  • number of the main identification document of the User or his representative;
  • information about the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;
  • information confirming the User’s participation in relations with the Administration (in particular , the telephone number used by the User as his login to access the Service);
  •  signature of the User or his representative.

8.3. The Administration undertakes to consider and send a response to the User’s request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

8.4. All correspondence received by the Administration from Users is classified as restricted information and is not disclosed without the written consent of the User. Personal data and other information about the User who sent the request cannot be used without the special consent of the User other than to respond to the topic of the received request or in cases expressly provided for by law.