

Work permit:

Russia / Russia

Education level:

Бакалавр / Bachelor

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Frontend developer

Work experience:

– Smartech
– Frontend developer
– Tasks: complex work with the client part of web applications: layout, business logic, routing.
 The projects I’ve worked with:
1. New company’s website Smartech
2. IDP (Individual Data Platform) – a project implemented for a Finnish company providing information and services to companies operating in the field of maintenance and management of residential real estate. IDP – a platform for displaying personalized data, including financial details, related to the apartment operations of the information portal users. The platform consists of two parts:
– The administrative part, manages the apartments, documents belonging to the apartment, and communication between the user and the apartments
– The user part is used to display personalized data
– In addition: The platform is integrated with an already existing multi-tenant system. React
front-end connects via iframe.
3. Сash-in-transit services management service. In addition to the main tasks, I carried out work in the following areas:
– refactoring of react components
– migration to TypeScript (85 percent of the code migrated)
– client routing
– new functionality development (layout and business logic). New functionality was written immediately on TS and functional components
– client logging (FireBase)
– support for older browsers
– unit-tests
– basic SEO

There were also other smaller projects. The workflow went fast and didn’t require in-depth work:
– Projects with Vue (2d version without ts) and Angular
– Projects on SpineJS (something from the prehistoric period 🙂 with some hbs and eco
templates – there wasn’t React with trendy JSX at that moment.

– 11/2019 — 10/2021 (2 years)

Work experience:

– Teachbase
– Frontend developer
– Teachbase – is a teaching platform, a client-server application.
Tasks: the system’s main product development. My work there is carried out in the following areas:
– Code writing, changes and new tasks implementation,
– Code review,
– Application coverage with tests,
– Sprint planning, prioritization,
– Evaluation, planning, and tasks decomposing.
– 10/2021 — Present

Key skills:

Key skills: ReactJS, react-router-dom, redux, redux-form, TypeScript, webpack, RxJS, TanStack, rollup.js react-hook-form, Material UI, axios, Formik, React-Bootstrap, FireBase, TypeScript, Jest

Hard skills: Understanding the principles of building modern web services, Ability to analyze the requirements and understand the details, Ability to evaluate the risks and manage them, JS (JavaScript), TS (TypeScript), React and its ecosystem, NodeJS (no commercial experience), HTML, CSS, Sass, SCSS, LESS, jQuery, BEM, Vue2 and its ecosystem, Git, Jest, Webpack

Soft skills: Communication skills, Flexibility, Ability to work in a team, Analytical thinking, Result-oriented, Proactivity, Reasoned, correct, constructive business
communication in a team, Working with a large amount of information, Corporate ethics


– Tula State University
– Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
– Software Engineering
– Computer aided design
– 2020


– Technical college named after S.I. Mosin
– Faculty of Programming
– Applied Mathematics and Informatics
– 2016

Additional information

– My previous company was engaged in outsourcing. I’ve been doing similar things there, but the projects were mainly less deep – around 3 months long. The large-scale ones – we made a service for Sberbank (about a year-long) and a large-scale service for a Finnish company.
– Constantly used services: GitHub, GitLab, Notion, GitLab CI/CD. Altogether, I’ve been working with many different services since different projects required the usage of different sets. Thus, I had to learn all of them.
– I’ve been actively learning English for the last year to not only read technical documentation and articles but also to hone my negotiation skills.
– To talk about work and hobbies – I’m never afraid of trying out new things. I’m always happy to learn something new.
– Being self-taught additionally by articles, videos, and books. The basic books related to my work field that I’ve read myself and can recommend to others are Robert C. Martin’s “Clean Code”; Aditya Bhargava’s “Grokking Algorithms”, Robert C. Martin’s “Clean Architecture”.