
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Work permit:

Russia / Russia

Education level:

Бакалавр / Bachelor

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HR Manager / HR Generalist / Recruiter

Work experience:

Construction company
Construction sector (50+ employees), Moscow
HR Generalist (Feb 2023 – till now)
Recruitment, onboarding, training, assessment, corporate culture
Key results:
1. HR processes were built from scratch: the system of communications in the company (f2f meetings, feedback,
staff meetings, keeping WhatsApp and Telegram channels, shearing of results, goal setting), recruitment and
creation of a talent pool (managers were trained, CRM was implemented, practice of testing tasks and PIF testing
was introduced), the process of onboarding and training of new employees was regulated, staff satisfaction
assessment (85% rating);
2. Entering the labor market of Belarus to recruit line staff, local project recruiter was found;
3. Employee motivation system developed (referral program, compensations for mentoring and training);
4. Hired key employees of the company (Financial Director, Operations Director, Sales Manager for new business
line, Head of Marketing, ets), increasing headcount by more than 45%;
5. Formed a knowledge base for all positions in the company (more than 50 regulations);
6. Decrease in staff turnover to 1.5%;
7. Automation of work through using ChatGPT in work.

Work experience:

Chain of cafes in St. Petersburg
HoReCa (200+ employees), St. Petersburg
Head of Recruitment Department (Jul 2022 – Feb 2023)
Recruitment, training, assessment, corporate culture
Key results:
1. Formed and organized the work of the recruitment department based on metrics and KPIs;
2. Hired key employees of the company (Chief Operating Officer, Chief Accountant, Lawyer, System Administrator,
Project Manager);
3. Organizational structure of the team was created, IDPs for backups of managers were defined and drafted;
4. A system of staff evaluation was formed, which enabled the company to optimize the costs of payroll;
5. The company’s values and competency’s structure were created from scratch. Home

Work experience:

Forvia (Faurecia)
Automotive production (1000 + employees), St. Petersburg

HR Manager (Sep 2015 – Jul 2022)
Recruiting, performance evaluation, C&B, HR reporting and analytics, Employee Development and Training

Key skills:

HR стратегия, рекрутинг, IT рекрутинг, оценка персонала, адаптация, метрики и аналитика, Корп культура, обучение / HR Strategy, Recruiting, Performance review, Onboarding, Analytics,
Corporate communications, Training


Тольяттинская Академия Управления, Графический дизайн, Графический дизайнер, 2017 / Togliatti Academy of Management, Graphic design, Graphic Designer, 2017

Additional information

Закрывала вакансии Frontend Developers (фриланс).
Была спикером на радио в рамках проекта HR Employer Brand.
Веду корпоративные СМИ (журнал, Telegram-канал, корпоративный сайт).
Слежу за HR-трендами, совершенствую английский, начала изучать сербский, люблю психологию, активно использую технологии в работе (ChatGPT). / Closed vacancies of Frontend Developers (freelance).
Was a speaker at the radio as part of the HR Employer Brand project.
Led corporate media (magazine, Telegram channel, corporate website).
I follow HR trends, improve my English, started to learn Serbian, love psychology, actively use technologies in my work (ChatGPT).