

Work permit:

Сербия / Serbia

Education level:

Бакалавр / Bachelor

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IT Recruiter / HR Specialist

Work experience:

Recruitment Specialist

· In the current position, my responsibilities include the following:
· Sourcing IT specialists with a variety of skill sets and experience levels
· Posting vacancies on job search sites and social networks.
· Work with job applications, candidate selection.
· Conducting initial interviews and scheduling the further interview stages.
· Ongoing support to candidates throughout the interview process, addressing any
organizational issues that may arise.
· Gathering feedback from both candidates and managers and reporting on the progress of
each candidate’s application.
· Database maintenance.

I search mainly for experts in these:
· Java (Spring).
· JavaScript (React, Angular).
· Manual testing.
· Automated testing (Java, Python, C#).
· Full Stack (Node.js+React, C#+Angular, Python/Java+React, Java+Angular).
· C/C++ (QNX, Qt, QML, MATLAB/Simulink, AUTOSAR).

As a rule, in the work I have 3 to 5 vacancies in such areas as banking, fintech, stock
exchanges, insurance, automotive, medicine, retail, etc. Most often the positions are Senior,
sometimes Middle, rarely Junior.

Routine automation is my everything. I possess skills in various recruiting tools and
technologies, and this is what I use to save time for important tasks:
· ChatGPT and ChatGPT-based bots on Telegram.
· Boolean/X-Ray search.
· Clipboard app.
· Various Chrome extensions.

December 2021 – Present

Key skills:

Communication Skills
Time Management
Ability to Work Under Pressure
Friendly and Outgoing Attitude
Critical Thinking
Negotiating Skills
Listening Skills
Data-Driven Mentality
Attention to Detail
Fast Learner


Russian State Pedagogical University in the name of A. I. Herzen, State and Municipal Management, Civil servant, 2021