
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Work permit:

Russia / Russia

Education level:

Магистр / Master

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Java/Kotlin developer

Work experience:

Senior Software Developer
Nexign · Full-time
Apr 2018 – Oct 2022 · 4 yrs 7 mosApr 2018 – Oct 2022
Worked on variety of projects supporting billing service systems
• Developed Gantt chart service between internal corporate Jira and Confluence
• Developed and implemented complicated business scenarios based on the service-oriented architecture
• Re-engineered a customer account management system used by billing systems
• Developed few micro services for emulating and receiving electricity data from metering devices

Work experience:

Software Developer
КОРУС Консалтинг · Full-time
Apr 2010 – Feb 2015 · 4 yrs 11 mosApr 2010 – Feb 2015
Worked on electronic document management system based on the open-source Alfresco ECM
• Developed UI using GWT 2.5
• Developed and implemented services according to MVP
• Implementation, deployment and configuration of various system components
• Post deployment operational support and tuning

Work experience:

Software Developer
Junior Software Developer · Full-timeJunior Software Developer
Sep 2008 – Mar 2010 · 1 yr 7 mosSep 2008 – Mar 2010
Saint-Petersburg, RussiaSaint-Petersburg, Russia
Developed and implemented various websites using HTML, CSS, JSP

Key skills:

Java 7/8/11 · Gradle · PostgreSQL · JIRA · Confluence · Git · Teamcity · Kotlin · Groovy · Spring Framework · Hibernate ORM · Docker · Intellij IDEA ·SQL · SSO · LDAP · Maven · Confluence · Bamboo · Nexus · Mercurial · GWT/HTML/CSS · Alfresco ECM


Saint-Petersburg, Russia State University of Telecommunications
Master’s degree, Multi channel telecommunication systems
Sep 1999 – Jun 2004


Saint-Petersburg, Russia State Polytechnic UniversitySaint-Petersburg, Russia State Polytechnic University
Certificate of professional development, Application Software Developer (Java Language)Certificate of professional development, Application Software Developer (Java Language)
May 2009 – Jun 2009

Additional information

Experienced software engineer with demonstrated ability to: collaborate with cross-functional teams, design and develop applications, troubleshoot and resolve technical issues. I have a strong knowledge of Java and related technologies such as Spring, Hibernate and web services. Experience with projects involving: API; Middleware; REST and service-oriented architectures; Microservices; High-profile customer facing online billing applications and ECM systems. I am also familiar with Agile and Scrum methodologies and have a proven record of work in a fast-paced environment. Self-motivated and committed to success.