
Vladimir, Russia

Work permit:

Russia / Russia

Education level:

Высшее / Higher

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Manager of education,

Work experience:

Vladimir State Library, the Department of EducationAbroad, the chief of the department
Establishing bonds between city schools, colleges and EducationAbroad center
Presenting the various types of educational products
Providing the meet ups with participation of foreign students
Writing posts in WordPress
Posting info via social media and site
Supervising the English speaking clubs for kids and adults
Make annual reports
Rising up to 33 % the number of students, participating in the EducationAbroad programme
Rising up to 24 % the number of kids and adults, joining the English speaking clubs
2019- up to now

Work experience:

Vladimir Autonomous School 25( 1253 students, 52 teachers ), the executive manager of education
Organizing the studying process in teaching English
Correction of studying plans according to the curriculum
Analyzing month and annual teachers’ reports
Supervising exam preparation classes in English
Rising up to 25 % the number of successfully passed State Exam tests
2008- 2019

Work experience:

Vladimir State University, the assistant teacher of English at the Foreign Languages’ Department
Organizing the teaching English process
Assessment of the students’ annual and month results
Providing the fulfillment of educational standarts

Work experience:

Vladimir State University, the chief inspector of Foreign Students’ Department
Providing various types of visa support
Providing various types of students’ accomodation
Providing the diplomas’ registration (legalization) at the Russian Embassy of Foreign Affairs
Providing travelling ( booking tickets) support

Key skills:

Advanced communicative skills ( foreign languages included), high level of proactive skills, self- disciplined and stress stamina


Vladimir State University, a teacher of Natural Science, History and English, 1992


Vladimir Teacher’s Training Institute, a manager of education , 2015

Additional information

I ‘ ve got 100% self – estimation value , based on my various working experience and 26 years of my marriage bond