
Novi Sad

Work permit:

Russia / Russia

Education level:

Магистр / Master

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ML engineer | Data Scientist | Python Developer | Data Engineer

Work experience:

-Researcher NLP
-• Implemented DVC-based versioning for model and dataset data;
• Successfully deployed chatbot within the operational environment using Telegram API;
• Developed a retriever mechanism that improved accuracy by 15%;
• Collected and integrated dataset comprising 4 languages and 10,000 sentence pairs for a chatbot.
• valuated the effectiveness of retrieval models using the collected dataset, demonstrating a 20% increase in precision and recall metrics compared
to previously used datasets.
-Feb. 2023 – Jul. 2023

Work experience:

-Agreemer Startup
-ML Engineer
• Developed a natural language processing (NLP) pipeline that extracted useful information from legal documents;
• Developed a robust document parser to handle various file formats, resulting in a 60% reduction in the time needed for data extraction;
• Implemented machine learning models to identify overlapping entities within text data, reducing processing time by 50% and improving
accuracy by 35%, resulting in more efficient data analysis.
-Oct. 2022 – Apr.2023

Work experience:

-Data Scientist
-• Implemented machine learning algorithms into Apache Airflow, resulting in a 30% reduction in workflow execution time;
• Developed and optimized machine learning (ML) algorithms for document processing, resulting in a 40% increase in accuracy of named entity
recognition (NER);
• Developed and integrated a computer vision (CV) stamp detector/classifier algorithm into the ETL (Extract, transform, load) pipeline, resulting
in 90% accuracy for identifying and filtering out irrelevant data.
-Mar. 2021 – Oct.2022

Key skills:

Attention to detail, Problem Solving, Creativity, Python, C, PyTorch, CatBoost, XGBoost, SQL, Git, Docker, GitLab, Linux, DVC, Pandas, Django, API, NLTK, Transformers,
SciKit-learn, Open-CV, Spacy, Algorithms


Bachelor’s degree, ITMO University, Software Engineering, Neurotechnologies and Programming, 2022


Master’s degree, ITMO University, Applied Computer Science, Machine Learning Engineering, 2024

Additional information

Over the past two years, I have become proficient as a ML developer. I have developed products for both open-source and startups. My goal is to continue growing as a professional ML developer and contribute to the creation of products that improve the lives of others