Terms and conditions

These Terms of Use of the Sites (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”, “these Terms”) are an agreement regarding the use by the end user (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) of the Internet site located at https://ovdejobs.com, operated and administered by Alina Konkina pr Paprika SMM (TIN 66487946, address: 11010, Serbia, Belgrade, Gostivarska str., 84) (hereinafter referred to as the “Site Administration”) and other sites managed by the Site Administration (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

The User is an individual determined in accordance with these Terms, registered on the Site and received a unique username (login) and password (hereinafter referred to as “Account Information”) to enter the protected pages of the Site (hereinafter referred to as “Registration”). individually or jointly (subject to their use of different Accounting Information and the existence of the legal grounds specified in these Terms) with other individuals united in one Registration. The user can be:

  • an individual – an employee of the Customer;
  • individual – employer;
  • individual – Customer carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity;
  • individual – Customer providing any services in the field of personnel selection;

The customer is a person who has concluded a corresponding agreement with the Site Administration for the provision of services by the Site Administration. These Terms establish the rights and obligations both between the Site Administration and the User, and between the Site Administration and the Customer. The User’s obligations established by these Terms are also the Customer’s obligations to the Site Administration arising in connection with the actions of the Users and the Customer’s own actions in using the Site. The Customer is responsible for the User’s actions as for his own actions. Moreover, in accordance with these Terms, the User does not acquire independent or any separate rights in relation to the Site Administration. All rights granted by the Site Administration in accordance with these Terms arise only directly from the Customer. The obligations of the Customer established by these Terms are also the obligations of the User.

Use of the Site constitutes the agreement of the User and the Customer with these Terms.

The site is designed to search for potential employees, post information about companies as employers and vacancies on the Internet. Use of the Site for other purposes is not permitted.

  1. Obligations of the Customer

1.1. By using the Site, the Customer undertakes not to perform the following actions:

1.1.1 In any way through the Site, post, distribute, store, download and/or destroy materials (information) in violation of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia (RS) and international law;

1.1.2 Post and/or transmit information through the Site in the form of text, image, video, sound or program code that may be illegal, threatening, offensive, libelous, knowingly false, rude, obscene, harm other visitors to the Site, or violate their rights ;

1.1.3 Post knowingly false information about yourself, your company or vacancy;

1.1.4 Place advertisements promoting any franchise or “pyramid” schemes offering to “join the club”, become a distributor, sales representative, “manager” or other employee of a company whose business model is based on the preliminary and/or periodic transfer of funds from subordinate employees to superiors, implying payment only as a percentage of sales and/or requiring the attraction or hiring of other agents, distributors, “managers”, “club members” and the like;

1.1.5 Post and/or transmit content (including, but not limited to: information, materials, files, etc.) using the Site if the User does not have the necessary rights to do so. This rule applies to any content containing any works, trademarks and service marks, trade names, patent and confidential information, information constituting someone’s trade secret, other protected results of intellectual activity, and the like;

1.1.6 Destroy and/or change any materials on the Site, the copyright holder of which the Customer is not;

1.1.7 Use the personal data of applicants for purposes other than considering or evaluating their (applicants’) candidacies for hiring (admission) to work with the Customer or in an organization that is a client of the Customer, if the latter carries out employment activities;

1.1.8 Use information about telephone numbers, postal addresses, email addresses for purposes other than the subject matter of the Site (hiring issues, selection of candidates (applicants), offering positions and candidates, etc.);

1.1.9 Offer individuals (applicants), whose personal data is posted on the Site, to post their personal data on another site or sites that provide services similar to the Site;

1.1.10 Post resumes of applicants received from the Site on another site or sites providing services similar to the Site;

1.1.11 Post information about assigned statuses and merits of the Customer on events/websites of companies providing services similar to the Site;

1.1.12 Place employment offers, advertising, as well as any contact information in the description of the Customer’s company on the Website.

1.1.13 View pages of the Site containing a resume of a particular applicant at the addresses of such pages generated by the Site for other Customers or generated when using the Site’s search engine without prior authorization on the Site as a User.

1.1.14 Place advertisements on the Site that encourage other users of the Site to purchase products or services of the Customer or any other persons.

1.1.15 Provide (as well as transfer) hypertext links to the pages of the Site containing the resume of a particular applicant to other Customers or their Users and/or third parties.

1.2 The Customer, by providing the Site Administration with information/materials for posting on the Site, or by posting information/materials on the site independently, if such a technical possibility exists, guarantees compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the RS, including “Sl. Glasnik RS”, br. 6/2016 and 52/2019 – other law, Law on Publication. In the event that the Site Administration is held accountable for violating the current legislation of the RS (including the “Sl. Glasnik RS”, Br. 6/2016 and 52/2019 – other law, the Law on Publication) in connection with the placement by the Customer of information/materials on the Site or by the placement by the Site Administration of information/materials on the Site provided to it by the Customer, the Customer reimburses the Site Administration for all expenses incurred by it, including, but not limited to: fines, legal costs, etc., within 10 calendar days from the date of presentation of the corresponding demand by the Site Administration to the Customer .

  1. Obligations of the Site Administration

2.1 If there are doubts regarding the legality of the use of the Site by the Users (as well as the Customer himself), the Site Administration has the right at any time and without prior notice to the Customer at its discretion to delete, block or forcibly change the Accounting Information of such Users.

2.2 If there is information about the use of the User’s Account Information by other users of the Site or any third parties, the Site Administration has the right at any time and without prior notice to the Customer, other users of the Site and third parties, at its discretion, to delete, block or forcibly change such Account User information, as well as account information of other users of the Site (third parties), on whose computers and other hardware the blocked User Account Information was used

2.3 The Site Administration has the right at any time, without any prior notice or any compensation, to technically block the use of the same Account Information to any person, including all Users of the Customer Registration, if at the time of use of such Account Information it begins use another person on the Site.

2.4 In case of receipt of a complaint/complaints (subject to its/their validity) from the applicant(s) about the discovery of his/her personal data (resume) on the site/sites of third parties or about the receipt of an offer to post their personal data (resume) on the site/sites of third parties, provided that they posted their resume only on the Site and did not give consent to post their resume on other sites, the Site administration has the right at any time and without prior notice to block the possibility of using the Site by the Customer in respect of whom the request was received complaint.

2.5 In the event that the Site Administration receives a complaint/complaints (subject to its/their validity) from an applicant(s) about the use of his/her personal data for purposes other than consideration or evaluation of their candidacies for employment with the Customer or in a company that is a client of the Customer, if the latter carries out employment activities, as well as on the use of information about telephone numbers, postal addresses, email addresses of the applicant for purposes other than the subject matter of the Site (issues of hiring, selection of candidates, offering positions and candidates, etc. similar) The Site Administration has the right, at its discretion, at any time and without warning to the Customer against whom the complaint was received, to block the ability to use the Site for such Customer by deleting all Account information and Registration (including pages describing the Customer’s company), as well as terminating the existing agreement The Site Administration and the Customer have an agreement for the provision of services. A complaint from an applicant is considered duly sent by the applicant and received by the Site Administration if it is received by the Site Administration by, including, but not limited to: in writing, by fax, email and other means of communication, orally by telephone or personal contact with subsequent recording of the content of the complaint, through social networks, as well as in any other way that allows us to reliably establish the fact of receipt of the complaint and its content.

2.6 If the Site Administration receives 1 (one) or more complaints from an applicant(s) against the Customer as an employer (provided that such a complaint/complaints are justified), the Site Administration has the right, at its discretion, at any time and without warning the Customer, in regarding which a complaint was received, block the possibility of using the Site for such a Customer by deleting the Account information of all Customer Users and Registration (including pages describing the Customer’s company), stop providing services to the Customer, unilaterally terminate the contract for the provision of services between the Site Administration and the Customer services, and also has the right to demand payment of a fine in accordance with the terms of the concluded Agreement. A complaint from an applicant is considered duly sent by the applicant and received by the Site Administration if it is received by the Site Administration in the following way (including, but not limited to): in writing, by fax, email and other means of communication, orally by telephone or personal contact with subsequent recording of the content of the complaint, through social networks, as well as in any other way that allows one to reliably establish the fact of receipt of the complaint and its content.

2.7 The Site Administration monitors the User’s IP addresses when working with the Site and, if there is information about the use of the same IP address by the User and other users (or several other users), has the right at any time and without prior notice to the Customer and \or the User, at his own discretion, block the ability to use the Site from such an IP address until the use of the same IP address of the User by different users ceases.

2.8 In the event of termination (termination) of the contract with the Customer, termination of the provision of services provided on the basis of the concluded contract, or the absence of any concluded agreement with the Customer, the Site Administration has the right at any time without warning and agreement with the Customer, as well as without any compensation and explanation of reasons to delete the Registration (including pages describing the Customer’s company) and all Accounting Information of its Users on the Site.

2.9 The Site Administration is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations, as well as possible damage resulting from: (a) unlawful actions of Internet users aimed at violating information security or the normal functioning of the Site; (b) failures in the operation of the Site, including those caused by errors in the code, computer viruses and other foreign code fragments in the Site software; (c) the absence (impossibility of establishing, terminating, etc.) of Internet connections between the server of the User (his employees) and the server of the Site; (d) carrying out activities by state and municipal bodies, as well as other organizations within the framework of the System of Operational Investigative Measures (SORM); (e) establishing state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) of the economic activities of commercial organizations on the Internet and/or establishing one-time restrictions by these entities that make it difficult or impossible for the Site Administration to fulfill its obligations; (e) other cases related to the actions (inaction) of Internet users and/or other entities aimed at worsening the general situation with the use of the Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of conclusion of the Agreement.

2.10 The User hereby expresses his consent to receive from the Site Administration (at any time and without prior warning by the Site Administration) at the email address and/or telephone number specified by the User when registering on the Site or specified by him during subsequent use of the Site, as well as by sending push notifications (when using the mobile version of the Site and/or mobile application) information messages about events in the Site Administration company and Site Administration Services, as well as any other information, including advertising.

2.11 The Site Administration has the right at any time, including without any prior notice to the Customer, to suspend the operation of the Site for maintenance, if possible at night or on weekends.

  1. Registration of the Customer on the Site

3.1 Registration on the Customer’s Site consists of providing information and (or) documents (the list of which is determined by the Site Administration) through the Site, as a result of which the Customer receives Accounting information for working with the Site (for the purpose of obtaining any services and services of the Site in accordance with the concluded agreements with the Site Administration for such services and services of the Site) and assignment of the Customer Registration status to the Registration Type “Unconfirmed Registration” until it is confirmed by the Site Administration. The Site Administration checks the information and documents provided by the Customer when registering on the Site. If, based on the results of such a check, it is determined that the information and (or) documents provided by the Customer are not true, the Site Administration has the right to refuse registration on the Site to the Customer or delete or block the existing Customer Registration on the Site, terminating the contract with the Customer accordingly. if such a contract exists at that time. If, based on the results of such a check, it is established that the information stated during registration corresponds to the documents submitted by the Customer to the Site Administration, then the Site Administration confirms the Customer’s Registration.

3.2 The Site Administration has the right to publish on the Sites information about the Customer provided during registration on the Site to the Site Administration in accordance with clause 3.1. of these Terms.

3.3 The Customer is obliged, at the request of the Site Administration, to provide documents within 2 (two) business days from the date of conclusion of the contract or from the moment of receipt of the request in any form (including, but not limited to: in writing, by e-mail, by fax or in any other way) , confirming the legal status of their Users (copy of the employment contract, copy of the work record book and/or other documents at the discretion of the Site Administration), other persons united in one Registration, who received on the Site Accounting information in the Customer Registration, and other data provided by the Customer during registration Online.

3.4 If the Customer fails to provide or does not provide all the supporting documents specified in clause 3.3 of these Terms, the Customer, as well as in other cases, the Site Administration has the right to:

  • refuse registration on the Site until the Customer provides all necessary documents;
  • block the ability to use the Site for the Customer by deleting the Account information of all Users of the Customer and Registration (including pages with a description of the company) of the Customer, and also has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement for the provision of services existing between the Site Administration and the Customer and demand payment of a fine in accordance with the terms of the concluded Agreement.

3.4 The Site Administration reserves the right not to register on the Site persons acting on behalf and/or in the interests of the following companies (organizations), entrepreneurs and other persons:

3.4.1 promoting their product(s) and/or service(s) using the network marketing method, which may also involve promoting product(s) and/or service(s) from the manufacturer/performer to the final consumer/customer, with in which the manufacturing company (executing company) distributes its product(s) and/or service(s) through a network of independent agents (including entrepreneurs), and these agents, in turn, attract other persons to distribute the product(s) and/or services of this manufacturer/performer;

3.4.2 if the type of activity of the company (organization, entrepreneur, other persons) is directly or indirectly related to the organization or activities of religious sects, occult organizations, extremist or terrorist groups or organizations, the organization of gambling and entertainment, activities in the field of alternative medicine (healing), production and/or distribution of pornographic products or provision of erotic and/or sexual services, as well as in other cases, at the discretion of the Site Administration, if the company’s activities may in any way affect the reputation of the Site;

3.4.3 in the event that the type(s) of activity of the company (organization, entrepreneur, other persons) is prohibited(s) by Serbian legislation.

3.5 The Site Administration reserves the right if the Customer is found on the Site carrying out the types of activities specified in clauses 3.4.1.-3.4.3. of these Terms, block the Customer’s ability to use the Site by deleting all of his Account Information and Registration (including pages with a description of the company), and also has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract for the provision of services existing between the Site Administration and the Customer and demand payment of a fine in accordance with the terms of the concluded Agreement.

3.6 When registering on the Site of persons acting on behalf and/or in the interests of a legal entity or an individual carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity, the principle of “one registration – one legal entity” applies, according to which each specific Registration can be used by representatives of only one legal/individual person for whom such Registration was created. The use of the same Registration by several legal entities, including those affiliated with each other and/or within a group of companies, is not permitted.

3.7 The Site Administration has the right, based on a corresponding request from the Customer, to combine several Registrations that relate to the same Customer on the basis of one of such existing Registrations.

3.8 Combining several Registrations is possible only if they were created for the legal entity itself (an individual carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity) or its branches, representative offices, and other types of separate divisions, which are such in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the RS .

3.9 Merging of Registrations is not permitted:

  • if such Registrations are created for different legal entities (individuals carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity);
  • if such Registrations are created for legal entities that are affiliated with each other;
  • if a legal entity of one Registration in relation to another legal entity of another Registration is a subsidiary or dependent;
  • if legal entities of different Registrations are part of the same holding, group of companies, etc.

3.10 If the Site Administration discovers that the same Registration is used by several different legal entities (individuals engaged in business activities without forming a legal entity), the Site Administration has the right at any time, without any prior notice to the Customer, to split such Registration into separate ones for each of the legal entities/individuals found in the initial Registration.

3.11 The Site Administration has the right, in the event of termination or termination of the contract for the provision of Site services, at any time, without warning and agreement with the Customer, to delete the Registration (including pages with a description of the Customer’s company) and all Accounting Information of Users of this Registration on the Site.

3.12 The Customer is prohibited from using, when registering on the Site, fictitious names of legal entities (indicate the names of non-existent legal entities) and fictitious names of individuals, trademarks not registered in the prescribed manner, as well as names of legal entities, names of individuals and trademarks, rights to use which are not available from the Customer.

3.13 Information about the Customer may include, inter alia, the following information: the name of the Customer’s company, the period of activity of the Customer’s company on the market and a brief description of the activities of the Customer’s company (in this case, the Customer does not have the right to place employment offers and advertising as part of the information provided).

3.14 Upon receipt of the Customer’s request to delete his Registration on the Site, the Site Administration cancels all of the Customer’s Account Information, including all Customer’s Users, and also stops posting information about the Customer’s company on the Site.

  1. Information Security of the Site

4.1 By using the Site, the Customer undertakes not to violate (attempt to violate) the information security of the Site, which, among other things, includes a prohibition on performing the actions specified in clauses 4.2.1.-4.2.11. of these Terms.

4.2 The Customer is prohibited from performing the following actions when using the Site:

4.2.1 gaining access to data on the Site not intended for this Customer;

4.2.2 use of Account Information to work with a Site that does not belong to this Customer;

4.2.3 attempts to test the vulnerability of the Site’s security system, violation of the registration and authorization procedure without the permission of the Site;

4.2.4 attempts to interfere with the use of the Site by other users, which includes, but is not limited to, spreading computer viruses, corrupting data, constantly sending repetitive information, sending email through the Site server, sending a large number of emails at the same time in order to intentionally disrupt the server site failure and similar actions that go beyond the normal intended use of the Site and may lead to disruptions in its operation;

4.2.5 sending “spam”, letters containing advertising information, and other materials to users, applicants and visitors of the Site to which Site users have not given their consent;

4.2.6 imitating and/or forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header in any email or material posted on the Site;

4.2.7 using or attempting to use any software to work with the Site or to search on the Site, other than the search engine built into the Site, the software of the Site itself, or traditional and publicly available browsers (Microsoft Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera and others similar).

4.2.8 use of software that simulates the user’s work on the Site;

4.2.9 use of anonymous proxy servers;

4.2.10 working with the Site through IP addresses that do not belong to the Customer;

4.2.11 working with the Site via “Remote Desktop Control”;

4.2.12 use of parsing functions/parsing programs.


4.4 Violation by the Customer, Users or other persons of the information security of the Site, including the conditions of clauses 4.2.1. 4.2.11. of these Terms and other provisions of these Terms is established by the divisions of the Site Administration on the basis of technical and software controls for the use of the Site, as well as statistical, logging and other software and equipment of the Site and the Site Administration, as well as other information and data, including received from others persons

4.5 The Site Administration has the right, during the entire time the User and Customer use the Site, to monitor their use of the Site in order to monitor compliance with these Terms and the terms of the agreements concluded with the Customer.

  1. Accounting Information

5.1 Access to the information contained in the Customer’s Registration on the Site is permitted only to the corresponding registered Users of the Customer who have received Accounting Information to enter the relevant Registration in the manner and in accordance with the requirements of these Terms. Accounting information cannot be transferred to other persons, and the User and the Customer are fully responsible for all damage caused to them, the Site or other persons resulting from the intentional or unintentional transfer of Accounting Information by the User or the Customer to another person. The User and Customer are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Account Information and any use of the Site through its Account Information (Registration).

5.2 When creating Account Information, the User is obliged to indicate a valid full name, position and e-mail (by the prefix of which it should be obvious to the Site Administration that the specified e-mail the User has the right to use), otherwise the Site Administration has the right to refuse to create Account Information or block or delete it at any time.

5.3 The User is prohibited from registering using someone else’s e-mail address, or an address for which the Customer does not have the right to use it in this way.

5.4 The Customer is prohibited from using the Account Information of other Site Users or providing his Account Information to anyone.

5.5 The Customer is prohibited from adding employees of any other legal entities to his Registration on the Site, including those affiliated with the Customer or its subsidiaries or dependent entities.

5.6 The Customer is prohibited from registering (adding to his Registration on the Site) persons (individuals) who are not employees of this Customer;

5.7 The Customer is prohibited from using the same Account Information when working with the Site by more than one employee of the Customer, including its simultaneous use by more than one such person;

5.8 Providing access to the Customer’s Registration on the Site is also governed by the offer agreement published on the Site, or other agreements signed during the provision of services and provision of the Site’s services.

5.9 The Customer is obliged, at the request of the Site Administration, to change his passwords (passwords for the use of the Site by his employees), otherwise the Site Administration has the right to change the passwords of the Customer’s Users forcibly.

5.10 The Customer is obliged 3 (three) calendar days before the date of termination of the authority of his employee (User) regarding the ability to use the Site (Site services) to properly notify the Site Administration and delete all Accounting information of such employee (User). The customer does not have the right to refer to the absence of his responsibility (as well as guilt) for the actions of his employees due to the termination of their powers (termination of any legal relationship between the company and the employee).

5.11 If the Site Administration becomes aware that individuals who have received Accounting Information for using the Site on behalf of a legal entity (an individual engaged in business activities without forming a legal entity) have terminated their employment relationship with the relevant legal entity/individual, the Administration The Site has the right to delete the Accounting information of such persons without any prior approval from the relevant legal entity/individual.

5.12 In case of repeated (two or more) violations by the Customer/User of the conditions of clauses 1.1.13., 5.1., 5.4., 5.5., 5.6., 5.7. of these Terms, the Site Administration has the right, at its discretion and without prior notice to the Customer, to limit the Customer’s ability to add new Users to the Customer’s Registration on the Site (including the creation of Account information for such new Users).

  1. User Information and Personal Data

6.1 Information about the User consists of his personal data, as well as other data that the User is asked to indicate in the appropriate fields (both mandatory and optional) on the Site when registering and updating information about the User.

6.2 In cases where information about the User on the Site is indicated not by the User himself, but by another person, the relevant person must have sufficient legal grounds and/or instructions from the User to transfer such information to the Site Administration, as well as the User’s consent to the processing of his personal data provided for herein. Conditions. The specified person independently bears full responsibility to the User for the illegal use of information about the User.

6.3 If the User places personal data on the Site in any form, both already available on the Site and other subjects of personal data, for their use directly by the User, the User must have sufficient legal grounds and/or instructions from the relevant subjects of personal data data for posting such data on the resources of the Site, as well as the consent of the subjects of this personal data to their processing, provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Serbia. The user bears full responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia on personal data in relation to the processing of such personal data. In connection with such placement of personal data on the Site, the User hereby gives instructions for the automated processing of such personal data by the Site Administration, including, but not limited to: accumulation, storage, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, for the purpose of receiving the services and services of the Site by the User.

6.4 The processing of information about the User by the Site Administration is carried out for the purpose of the Site Administration fulfilling its obligations and exercising its rights in accordance with these Terms, as well as agreements concluded between the User (if the User also acts as a Customer) and the Site Administration, including:

  • identification and personalization of the services provided by the Site;
  • sending notifications, requests and information regarding the use of the services of the Site, contacting in any other way for the fulfillment of its obligations by the Site Administration;
  • processing requests and requests from the User;
  • improving the quality of the Site’s services, ease of use, development of new Site services;
  • targeting of advertising materials;
  • sending any information messages, including advertising;
  • conducting statistical and other studies, conducting surveys;

6.5 The User, providing when registering on the Site or subsequently any data, including personal data, in accordance with the law “Sl. Glasnik RS”, br. 87/2018 Law on the Protection of Personal Data expresses (provides) its consent to the Site Administration to carry out the following actions with all provided personal data: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating or changing), use, distribution, blocking, destruction, as well as other actions for the processing of personal data for the above purposes. The period for posting personal data is unlimited and is determined independently by the subject of personal data.

6.6 Processing of information about Users is carried out, inter alia, in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy ( link ).

6.7 The Site Administration is not responsible for possible misuse of Users’ personal data that occurs due to:

6.7.1 technical problems with software, servers or computer networks beyond the control of the Site Administration;

6.7.2 interruptions in the operation of the Site related to the intentional or unintentional use of the Site by third parties for other purposes, including in the ways described in the section “Information Security of the Site”;

6.7.3 transfer of Accounting information or other information from the Site by Users to other persons, including persons who are not registered Users of the Site, or other Users who do not have access to this information due to the terms of registration and concluded agreements with the Site Administration.

6.8 By using the Site, the User agrees and accepts that the Site Administration reserves the right to use his personal information anonymously and in aggregate form for statistical purposes, for targeting advertising posted on the Site, and also at any time, without giving reasons, to refuse the User to place any – information on the Site. The Site Administration undertakes not to provide any personal information about Site users to individuals and organizations claiming possible misuse of such information (sending unauthorized advertising, spam, providing information to other persons, etc.).

6.9 The Site Administration is not responsible for possible misuse of information from the Site by registered Users or other persons and/or organizations that occurred without notifying the Site Administration with a violation (or without violation) of the Site’s information security.

6.10 By using this Site, the User provides his consent to the processing of personal data about the current connection in terms of statistical information:

  • pages visited;
  • number of page visits;
  • duration of the user session;
  • entry points (third-party sites from which the user follows a link to the Site);
  • exit points (links on the Site through which the user goes to third-party sites);
  • user country;
  • user region;
  • user provider;
  • user browser;
  • user system languages;
  • User OS;
  • user screen resolution;
  • number of user screen colors.

The collection of which is carried out both by the mechanisms of the site itself and by the mechanisms of third-party Internet services, including, but not limited to:

  • Live Internet;
  • HotJar;
  • Google Analytics;
  • Yandex.Metrica.

The collection of this information is carried out for the purpose of generating statistics on the use of the Site. The Site Administration has the right to change the list of third-party Internet services used without notifying the User. Third-party Internet services ensure storage of received data on their own servers; the Site Administration is not responsible for the localization of servers of third-party Internet services. The Site Administration does not compare personal data about the current connection and personal data provided by the User as part of registration on the Site. The Site Administration does not collect information and does not use third-party services to obtain information about the exact location of the user.

6.11 The User guarantees that all personal data provided by him to the Site Administration, as well as posted by him on the Site, was received by him legally in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia on personal data.

6.12 If the User uses the functionality of the “Check” service on any of the sites of the Site Administration, the User agrees and acknowledges that this functionality and the content that it (the service functionality) generates in the form of information (reports) is provided as is by the Site Administration does not bear any responsibility for making any decisions made by the User based on such information (reports) generated by this service functionality. The User guarantees and confirms to the Site Administration that he has previously received the consent of the subjects of personal data in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data to provide their data to the Site Administration for the purpose of receiving information (reports) by the User in relation to such subjects of personal data.

  1. Limited Warranty for Use of the Site

7.1 The Site Administration does not guarantee that the Site software does not contain errors and/or computer viruses, or foreign code fragments. The Customer is given the opportunity to use the Site software “as is”, without any guarantees from the Site Administration.

7.2 The Site Administration does not guarantee that the information provided by the Site Administration about individuals – job applicants is reliable and complete, or that the applicant is suitable for a particular vacancy of the Customer.

7.3 The Site Administration is not responsible for losses incurred by the Customer as a result of the applicant reporting false information about himself, as well as those caused by the actions (inaction) of the applicant himself.

7.4 The site is only a means for transmitting information. The Site Administration is not responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the information transmitted through the Site.

7.5 The Site Administration makes every possible effort to exclude careless, inaccurate or deliberately incomplete information from the Site, however, responsibility for the placement of such information lies entirely with the persons who posted it.

7.6 Since identification of users and visitors of the Site is difficult for technical reasons, the Site Administration is not responsible for the fact that registered Users are really the persons they claim to be, and is not responsible for possible damage caused by Users of the Site or other persons for this reason.

7.7 The Site Administration does not guarantee that published vacancies will be viewed by a certain number of applicants or at least one.

7.8 If use of the Site results in loss of data or damage to equipment, the Site Administration is not responsible for this.

  1. Financial Relations

8.1 Paid services of the Site and services provided by the Site Administration are governed by an offer agreement published on the Site, or other agreements, if concluded between the Site Administration and the Customer.

8.2 With regard to the services of the Site, the Site Administration has the right to introduce, at any time and at its discretion, a fee for their use; from the moment such a fee is introduced until the User pays for them, the provision of such services is terminated.

8.3 The Site Administration is not a representative of either applicants posting their resumes on the Site, or employers posting vacancies, and therefore cannot be responsible for any financial obligations arising between the two. Any agreements between applicants and employers using the Site are bilateral, and the Site Administration has no relation to them.

  1. Use of Site Materials

9.1 Each Site User, Customer, legal entity or individual is independently responsible for the information posted on his behalf and for the consequences of this posting.

9.2 When reprinting or otherwise using materials from the Site that are not resumes of applicants, descriptions of companies or vacancies, as well as logos, design elements, appearance and structure of the Site, a link to the Site is required.

9.3 The use of resumes of applicants, descriptions of companies and vacancies is unacceptable for any purposes other than those relevant to the subject of the Site (search for jobs, employees, obtaining information about the labor market).

9.4 The Site Administration owns the intellectual rights to the logo and name of the Site, as well as elements of the design and stylistic design of the Site.

9.5 Using information from the Site, the User (as well as the Customer) understands and accepts the risks associated with the possible unreliability of the information posted on the Site, as well as the fact that some information may seem threatening, offensive, slanderous, deliberately false, rude, obscene. If this happens, the User (as well as the Customer) must immediately stop using the Site and inform the Site Administration about the availability of such information.

  1. Other conditions

These Terms may be amended and supplemented at any time at the discretion of Alina Konkina PR Paprika SMM. In this case, changes and additions come into force from the moment they are published on the Site – https://ovdejobs.com.